Trimming the Excess From Your Pitch
I spent most of yesterday re-working my pitch paragraph and log line. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find the act of condensing a 104,000 word manuscript into a short paragraph of 100-150 words daunting. Not to mention writing a 25 word log line. Ouch! There's a reason my genre is called epic fantasy. There's a lot going on and a lot of characters involved.
The other day it occurred to me that I needed some outside perspective on this. No matter how many agents' blogs I've read about query letters and pitch paragraphs, I kept putting way too much information into my pathetic efforts. I'm too close to the characters to trim it down. So, I asked two of my beta readers to write what they would put on the back cover of my book. They agreed with a lot of enthusiasm and what they came up with was so obvious I laughed out loud. Now I have a log line that I'm almost happy with and I've taken their approaches and created a short pitch paragraph. Well, actually, I have four different paragraphs that I'm going to play around with until it sounds right. Thanks Christina and Sarah!
I think the next time, I'll be better at this, but outside help worked for me. What about you? How do you get that pitch paragraph just right?
In other news, Daina Rustin, Mystic Treehouse , tagged me the other day. Hi Daina! So, now I have to share 10 random facts about myself and tag 5 more people. Here goes!
OK, so 5 people to tag (Due to # 3 above, I'm in too much of a hurry to do the proper html, so I'm just typing the URL's here:
Rebekah Loper:
R. L. Blackhurst: (Please support her because she's just getting started on her blog)
Tia Bach:
Carole St. Laurent:
And my work is done.
The other day it occurred to me that I needed some outside perspective on this. No matter how many agents' blogs I've read about query letters and pitch paragraphs, I kept putting way too much information into my pathetic efforts. I'm too close to the characters to trim it down. So, I asked two of my beta readers to write what they would put on the back cover of my book. They agreed with a lot of enthusiasm and what they came up with was so obvious I laughed out loud. Now I have a log line that I'm almost happy with and I've taken their approaches and created a short pitch paragraph. Well, actually, I have four different paragraphs that I'm going to play around with until it sounds right. Thanks Christina and Sarah!
I think the next time, I'll be better at this, but outside help worked for me. What about you? How do you get that pitch paragraph just right?

- I'm sitting in Barnes & Noble right now trying to make the best of my time between appointments.
- I have 5 children and 3 grandchildren but feel free to tell me I look too young for that!
- This is the first platform building campaign I've done, and I'm realizing that time management must be forefront in my mind during these two months.
- I'm a trained public speaker and typically speak to groups on motivational and/or Christian themes.
- I'm certified to teach and administer the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.
- I met my husband when I was 17 and dating his older brother. Seventeen years, later I married him.
- I have a Bachelor's degree in Zoology and a Master's degree in Professional Communication.
- People who knew me while I was growing up thought I was shy...Fooled them!
- I'm going to the South Carolina Writers' Workshop writing conference Oct. 21-23 in Myrtle Beach, SC. (info at
- I love the mountains.
OK, so 5 people to tag (Due to # 3 above, I'm in too much of a hurry to do the proper html, so I'm just typing the URL's here:
Rebekah Loper:
R. L. Blackhurst: (Please support her because she's just getting started on her blog)
Tia Bach:
Carole St. Laurent:
And my work is done.
You definitely don't look old enough :) People think I'm shy too until they get to know me. The conference sounds fun!
Have fun at the conference!!
I use to dread doing the synopsis/back cover blurb thing. How do you condense successfully . . . I think you just have to let it flow, get the magic on the page and don't think about it too much . . . then cut, cut, cut, cut. Hopefully the magic will still be on the page when you're finished. Hey, but I am no expert and have many rejection letters to prove that! That's why I am a lone wolf now, lol :)
As for my secret, I could tell you, but then I'd have to eliminate you. *wink*