The Magic of a Toy Story
Magic lingers within the confines of a movie theatre. Anything can happen. Love is lost and found, families deal with struggles, ridiculous events shape people’s lives, and various structures might explode. It’s incredible!
I love movies, if you haven’t figured that point out yet. I love selecting that perfect seat, settling in with a bag of popcorn and a Coke, and allowing the story to absorb me for a few hours. Luckily, for me, my husband enjoys the experience as much as I do.
This summer, we’ve checked out several of Hollywood’s contributions to the big screen. I won’t bore you with the details of each movie. I want to talk about my favorite from this summer.
I usually don’t expect much from a sequel, and even less if it’s the third in the series, but this summer’s Toy Story 3 challenged that opinion. I recommend this movie to everyone who has not seen it.
The idea of toys seeking their childhood friend in college-bound Andy broke my heart. I’ve watched my granddaughter play with some of my old toys this summer, thrilling over the places that her imagination takes her. The very toys that sparked my creativity years ago still have it! As do Woody, Buzz, and all of their playmates. They’re not fancy, based on today’s standards, but true imagination doesn’t need a lot of extras.
I challenge anyone to watch Toy Story 3 and NOT shed a tear or recall some of their own forgotten toys. I found myself wondering about a wind-up bartender that I had when I was five. He poured a drink, took a sip, and smoke came out of his ears. Now today that’s not an appropriate toy for a child, but I loved it! I guess he broke, because I know I never sent him to the curb for the trashman, the horrible fate that frightens the Toy Story 3 characters.
I won’t spoil the movie for those who have not seen it, but I will say that you might not look at your cast-off toys quite the same way again. It’s well worth the price of a movie ticket … and a bag of popcorn…and a drink… and maybe some Twizzlers! Just don’t forget the tissues.
I love movies, if you haven’t figured that point out yet. I love selecting that perfect seat, settling in with a bag of popcorn and a Coke, and allowing the story to absorb me for a few hours. Luckily, for me, my husband enjoys the experience as much as I do.
This summer, we’ve checked out several of Hollywood’s contributions to the big screen. I won’t bore you with the details of each movie. I want to talk about my favorite from this summer.
I usually don’t expect much from a sequel, and even less if it’s the third in the series, but this summer’s Toy Story 3 challenged that opinion. I recommend this movie to everyone who has not seen it.

I won’t spoil the movie for those who have not seen it, but I will say that you might not look at your cast-off toys quite the same way again. It’s well worth the price of a movie ticket … and a bag of popcorn…and a drink… and maybe some Twizzlers! Just don’t forget the tissues.
Susan, yes, a bartender. He was really cute with a late 1800's style outfit, white hair, spectacles, and bright red cheeks. Very comedic in appearance.