Giraffe Facts: My What a Long Tongue You Have
Giraffes watching for their treats © Barbara V. Evers, All rights reserved. If we travel to a spot that offers a zoo or wild animal park with giraffe exhibits, my husband knows we are going to add that to our itinerary. A few years ago, we visited Virginia Safari Park which provides an above-ground stand where you can feed the giraffes. Of course, we were going to do this! The day we went, I led my husband straight to the giraffe habitat. We purchased the feed, and I stood face-to-face with these beautiful animals for quite some time. My husband endures this for me, but I know he wants to see the rest of the animals (as do I), so eventually we took the drive through the safari park. Of course, once we finished the trek, we returned to the giraffe habitat. I wanted a photograph of me feeding the giraffes, and two giraffes remained at the stand, gaze glued on the treats in my hand. Digital cameras take a few moments to reset for the next picture, and , unaware that