
Showing posts from June, 2018

Writing Prompt Tuesday: Short But Engaging

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post, 6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each Tuesday, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt comes from The Authors Publish: Compendium of Writing Prompts : This is a prompt that takes very little time but helps get your writing juices flowing. You can use it daily as a warm-up to working on your current writing project. Write a random title. Anything will do. It doesn't have to be amazing. Set a timer to three minutes. Write. Let your fingers fly. Don't worry if it makes sense. Note your word count According to the author, Emily Harstone, this exercise will do the following: Help you create a new piece that's pr

Let’s Talk Giraffes: World Giraffe Day

Today is World Giraffe Day, so I interrupt this blog to post about one of my most treasured causes: The Giraffe Conservation Foundation or other organizations like the one who distributed the information below, the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Stretch out your neck to save these beautiful creatures!  

Tuesday Writing Prompt: Scarey, Scarier, Scariest

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post, 6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each Tuesday, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt: Last week you wrote about the scariest thing that ever happened to you. Now, take that same event and make it as scary as you can imagine. Push it to the limits. Let your muse go wild. Turn that event into the most terrifying case scenario you can think of. Have fun with it! If you're inclined, feel free to post your responses in the comments. If not, no problem. Also, if you know of a great writing prompt, please share it in the comments.

Writing Prompt Tuesday

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned last week in 6 Summer Writing Tips . To continue that line of thought, one issue you might struggle with is figuring out what to write when you do manage to find the time to write. This summer, I want my blog to help you when you get stuck. Until September, I plan to devote my weekly posts to providing writing prompts. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. Here's the first prompt: Write about the scariest thing that ever happened to you. Try to set up the scene, the emotions, the tension as you write. Don't forget the five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. If you're inclined, feel free to post your responses in the comments. If not, no problem. Also, if you have a great writing prompt you want to share, please leave it in the comments.

6 Summer Writing Tips

Summer break starts today. That means I have a few hours before my work schedule shifts to fit around the kids' schedules of day camp weeks and free weeks. Now that the grands live with us, summer schedules challenge my ability to find time to write. I need to stay focused, so I thought I'd share a few summer writing tips in this post using the letters of the word WRITER as my guide. Write : Ok, this one goes without saying but get your BIC (butt in chair) and do it. Read : If you write, you should enjoy reading books in the same genre. You're going to need a great beach read, so check out what's current and popular. Read it and take note of what that author does that will help you improve your writing. Interact : Don't feel like every free moment needs to be BIC. It's summer. Find time for fun with your friends and family. When you're happy, you're more likely to enjoy writing. Also, interact with other writers. Nothing gets my creativity rampe