A Conversation with Author, Misty Ballantyne
We're nearing the end of the year and my series of interview-styled posts with authors and poets. I hope writers in my audience have discovered jewels of helpful information within these interviews, and readers, I hope you are finding some great books to add to your "To Be Read" list. This next interview is with Misty Ballantyne. I've known Misty for close to twenty years. When we met we both worked in the training department of a local company. I had no idea she had an inclination toward writing, though. Fast forward fifteen or so years, and I saw her post on Facebook that she'd written a book. I'm thrilled to tell you Misty has achieved success in her writing career. Her process is very different from others I've interviewed, and in light of the Christmas season, I felt like it was perfect for this week. Misty Ballantyne Misty Cowart Ballantyne was born in Florida and raised in the south. She lives in South Carolina with her husband and three c