So You Want To Be Published

My first publication appeared in this journal If you're on Facebook, then you already know several of my short stories and photographs were accepted for publication in The Petigru Review and moonShine review . I received most of this information, including the request to use one of my photographs for the cover of Petigru , on Tuesday of this week. While these aren't my first publications, the thrill of acceptance never gets old. It dawned on me as I read through comments on Facebook that many people don't understand the process of how to get published. So, I thought I'd take today's post to share my thoughts on this topic. Notice, these are my thoughts. I don't think there is one perfect formula. If there were, my novel trilogy would already be published. Alas, I'm still waiting for that thrill. What does it take to get published? Number one, you have to write. This point sounds simple, but you wouldn't believe how many peopl...