When Readers Love And Hate Your Characters
One of the weirdest things about publishing a novel is knowing people are reading it but not being able to talk with them about the story. Maybe this doesn't bother other authors, but after years of participating in writing critique groups, I'm accustomed to people talking with me about my characters. It's a joy when someone starts discussing them as if they are real. They are real--at least to me. I have heard from a few people close to me though, and it intrigues me what each one picks up on. One of the first readers to talk to me about the books made the following statements: My favorite character is Kiffen. I think Montee is going to die. I really want to know who's going to kill Maligon. I don't like Pultarch. He needs to die. Leera is a pain. I don't like Shana. She's evil. Then he'd try to tempt me into giving information away by asking questions: Please, just tell me this. Is Pultarch is going to die? A really painful death? My brother's favo