A Conversation with Author, Brenda Bevan Remmes
For the next few months, I plan to feature various authors and writers in interview-styled posts. Writers will find some jewels of helpful information within these interviews, and readers, I hope, will find their next "To Be Read" book. I personally know many of the featured authors, as is the case with today's guest, Brenda Remmes. I met Brenda while serving on the Board of Directors for South Carolina Writers' Workshop (SCWW). Brenda and I, with a third director, undertook the task of updating the bylaws for the organization. I, also, had the honor of participating on a writing panel at the South Carolina Book Festival in 2015. Brenda Bevan Remmes Brenda Bevan Remmes grew up in a family of characters and story tellers. Brenda transferred these skills to her jobs in health education at the medical schools of UNC-Chapel Hill and USC-Columbia. After discovering in a family attic a barrel of letters and pictures that dated back to 1827, Brenda began ac