
Showing posts from August, 2018

Summer's End: Time to Get Back to Work

Image courtesy of Although the calendar says otherwise (as well as the temperature outside), summer ended last week in our house. For me, summer means the time when school's out and kids play and forget homework. Since my grandchildren came to live with me three years ago (today!), the delineation between summer and the rest of the year required a lull in my writing. Even though I enrolled the grands in summer programs, they're expensive, so I didn't enroll them full-time throughout the summer. This presented some challenges for writing, so I offered short writing prompt posts throughout that period. I did this partially because I didn't have time to focus on a longer post, but, also, I figured some of my readers might experience the same shortage of writing time as me and need a boost to get them going when they did find time to write. I hope they worked for you. Check them out here . One of the drawbacks to my limited writing time over the summer

Writing Prompt Wednesday: Your First...

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post,  6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each week, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt: This week school started in my area. That got me to thinking about firsts: first dates, first kisses, first children, first beer (wine or alcohol), first detention, first love, first... What comes to mind when you think of first experiences for you? Write about it or create a character experiencing their first...something. Have fun! If you're inclined, feel free to post your responses in the comments. If not, no problem. Also, if you know of a great writing prompt, please share it in the comments.

Tuesday Writing Prompt: The Last Gasp

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post,  6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each week, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt: Summer wanes while the heat continues. School, at least where I live, starts next Monday. So, this week, we're experiencing our last gasp of summer break. Your challenge is to write about the last gasp . You can be literal, metaphorical, or follow whatever the muse suggests. Have fun! If you're inclined, feel free to post your responses in the comments. If not, no problem. Also, if you know of a great writing prompt, please share it in the comments.

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post,  6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each week, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt: Last week, our family went to the beach. My first kiss happened at the beach, and every beach trip since then has caused me to remember that day. What about you? Write about your first kiss. Were you nervous, excited, surprised, disgusted? Try to create a vivid scene. Have fun! If you're inclined, feel free to post your responses in the comments. If not, no problem. Also, if you know of a great writing prompt, please share it in the comments.

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Summer presents certain challenges to the writer as I mentioned in my post,  6 Summer Writing Tips . But what about when you do find time to write? What do you write? If you've ever been stuck, then my blog is the place for you this summer. Each week, I'll offer a writing prompt to help you entice your muse to create. So hop over here any time you're stuck. Maybe one of my prompts will help you out. This week’s prompt: I'm focused on memories this week, so let's play that game a little longer with this week's prompt. Certain things transport me backwards in time. It may be a smell, a taste, a song, or just a feeling in the air. Pick something that does this for you--for me it's songs like "More Than a Feeling" by Boston--and write a story about what this does to you. It doesn't have to be true. You could take the concept and use it in a fictional approach. The main thing is to write. Have fun! If you're inclined, feel f