5 Must-Have Ingredients for Writing Memorable Characters
Image courtesy of Pixabay.com. When I run into a friend after a long absence, I feel a joy of reunion. We hug, we chatter about what's gone on in our lives, and we attempt to settle into a new normal of existing together. This past week, I experienced this while traveling for work. I've spent many years with my "training project" family, and I loved catching up with the ones I've known for years. Creating Beloved Characters The same emotions happen when I revisit a great character or characters in a book. My Kindle decided to move a book I'd purchased sometime ago to the top of my Most Recent list. I'm not sure why, but since I was traveling, I decided to read it. It's been a few years since I've read anything in this series, but immediately I felt the same joy of reunion with these characters. I love them! Why? To answer that, we need to consider what makes a great character, or more precisely, what makes us love a character. I'l