You Might Be A Writer If ...
View of sunrise from my hotel room at SCWW conference I spent last weekend at the South Carolina Writers' Workshop (SCWW) 20th Annual Conference in Myrtle Beach. Conferences give writers the chance to rub elbows with the powerful in the publishing world--agents, editors, and published authors. We pitch our work and commiserate with other would-be published authors while learning more about the craft and industry. This year's keynote speaker, Joshilyn Jackson, shared her circuitous, and humorous, route to publication with us on Saturday night. She reminded us that only crazy people try to write. Why? Well, if you're a writer, you: Spend most of your day alone , typing (or staring) at a keyboard Examine mundane objects trying to create a new and exciting way to describe them Venture out in public to analyze the behavior of normal people (you do this everywhere you go, actually) Wake up in the middle of the night with the most amazing prose running through you