Play It Again

Image courtesy of worradmu / The question made me chuckle. In church this past Sunday, our minister asked how many of us had watched a movie more than once. Hands went up all over the congregation. Then he asked how many had watched a movie over five times? Ten times? Twenty times? Thirty times? He stopped there. My hand, and a small number of others, still responded yes. This got me to wondering. First of all, I knew my answer was correct, I have watched at least one movie more than thirty times, but I don't know the exact number of times I've watched my favorites. I tried not to dwell on this during the sermon, but I did think about it later and do some calculations. Then came the question: Why did I watch these movies so often? Here's my most watched list with some reasons attached. Shrek : my granddaughter is to blame for this one. She will watch it again and again and ag...