Packed Writing Workshop Panel at ConCarolina I realize most people think of SciFi\Fantasy Cons as a gathering of geeks and nerds who dress up like their favorite characters and play games. Although gaming and costumes make up a significant part of the con experience, it's not the reason I attend. Each event offers workshops and panels with people in the SciFi/Fantasy business, including authors, agents and editors. I go for the workshops related to writing, commonly known as the Writing Track For this reason, in 2012 I attended ArmadilloCon , in 2013, DragonCon , and in 2014, ConCarolina . Last Saturday, I traveled to Charlotte for ConCarolina. The workshops I attended on Saturday provided new insight to my writing efforts, especially the ones on sidekicks and the live action slush reading. Sidekicks This panel refuted the myth that your readers shouldn't be drawn to your secondary, and sometimes, tertiary characters. In the past, I've heard you haven