Ten Days Until Christmas: My Random Thoughts
It's ten days until Christmas and so many thoughts are whirling around in my head. Some are expected. Others? Well, you tell me. Got to ship any remaining gifts today because it's the last day of regular ground shipping. Or maybe, I'll find something on Amazon and send it gift wrapped???? Might be easier. Oh, but there is the one gift I can't do that way. UPS, here I come. As for Amazon, what gives. Every year you mess up the wish lists! Our family uses the lists because it's easy, as long as everything goes according to plan. But when it doesn't, you get duplicates or random items that were never on your list to begin with. Maybe I won't use the lists next year. Yeah, I said that last year. Then there's the lovely engagement ornament I ordered through Etsy to send to my newly engaged daughter. She received it last night, and I didn't get the reaction from her I expected. Why? It. Was. Not. An. Engagement. Ornament! Nope, they sent one of those "