Silver Linings
I’m no stranger to difficulty. Years ago, I found a Bible verse that’s carried me through much darker times, Psalm 118:24:
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Even before I learned that verse, I discovered the saying:
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
Both of these resonated with me from a young age, and no matter what happens, I’ve tried to apply them to my life.
By last Sunday, I had completely forgotten this outlook. Thankfully, the women of my church had a special plan in place for the Ladies’ Breakfast that morning. They gave each of us a journal… An Attitude of Gratitude Journal.
Our speaker, Vonda Skelton , reminded us that no matter what’s happening, we are blessed in so many ways. The challenge? Each day, for ninety days, write down five things we’re thankful for. The catch? Don’t repeat the same thing for thirty days.
Wow! This was just what I needed. Something to force me to focus on the good things, find the silver lining again.
Do you think you could do this? It’s really helped me.
What a blessing!
It was such a joy to meet you and my other new friends. I can't wait until March--it'll be like a reunion!
Great post. You're good. Hey, have you ever thought about being a writer??? :-)
And if you like Vonda, she'll be the speaker at our Ladies' Retreat in March if you want to go.
Hmmm, a writer? Never thought of that before. You're so funny! ;)
And yes, if you wondered, I counted your situation in my multiples of 3's that week.