Riley Ladybug |
Strange and curious things showed up at my door last night. Maybe yours, too? It started with a ladybug on the arm of a cowboy accompanied by an attractive witch...our granddaughter, son, and daughter-in-law. Riley is too young to trick or treat, so they surprised us with an early evening visit to show off this bewildered little ladybug. Trick AND Treat! She was cute, but you could tell she didn't understand what all the fuss was about.
It wasn't long before Tigger showed up. He was abnormally quiet, but maybe he just needed a nap. Then we had more ladybugs, bumblebees, dragons, Tranformers, and lions, oh my! The most interesting was a vampire kitty. I think she'd had a little too much catnip...er...candy by the time she got to us!
Amari Wiggly Piggly |
Halloween brings back fond memories. My mom insisted we had enough things around the house to put a costume together, so I only had a few store-bought costumes as a kid. One memorable year, I wore a skeleton outfit but a clown mask. That's definitely one of my scarier looks. When I was eight, Halloween arrived and I still didn't know what I wanted to be. I'm not sure how it happened, but I decided to be a box of Rice Krispees. I took a large box and covered it in blue paper, and then I drew the characters Snap, Krackle, and Pop on the box and wrote those words all over the place. It was great until Mom made me put on a hat because it was cold...a beret, no less. So, everyone thought I was an artist! Really. I'm not kidding. What artist walks around wearing a square box? Hmmm?
Victoria AKA Spider Girl |
What's your most memorable Halloween costume?
I missed seeing my other grandchildren trick or treat since they live out of state, but I hope you enjoy the pictures.
One last treat came for me yesterday...I learned that my essay,
Blessed Legs, won an Honorable Mention in the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition. The award certificate came in the mail, and that was the first I knew about it.
Still it was a VERY nice surprise.