Hurricane Emergency Kits: What Books Would You Include?

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Over the past week, I've seen several posts and articles focused on hurricane emergency kits, but not one mentioned items to help pass the time such as books and games. This came to my attention as several of my writer friends on Facebook began to ask the question:

What books would you suggest for waiting out a hurricane?

This question prompted quite a list of suggestions, a TBR (to be read) list that no one can conquer in a lifetime.

Here's my list in no particular order:

Fantasy Genres
Faith Hunter:  Jane Yellowrock series and Soulwood series
Shannon Mayer: Rylee Adamson series and Elementals series
CE Murphy: The Walker Papers series and The Worldwalker Duology
Patricia McKillip: anything
DB Jackson/David Coe: Anything
Anne Bishop: The Others series
Gail Carriger: anything

Other Fiction
Barbara Claypole White: anything
Donna Gillespie, The Lightbearer (my favorite, all-time book), historical fiction
Donna Andrews:  Meg Lanslow Mysteries
Barbara Kingsolver:  The Poisonwood Bible
Sue Monk Kidd:  The Mermaid Chair and The Secret Life of Bees
Sarah Addison Allen: anything (this falls in the fiction categories but probably fits magical realism better)
Rita Mae Brown:  Mrs. Murphy Mysteries
Fiona Buckley:  Ursula Blanchard Mysteries set in Elizabeth I's court
Pamela Kaufman: The Book of Eleanor: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Anne Barnhill:  Queen Elizabeth's Daughter: A Novel of of Elizabeth I 

For kids:
J K Rowling: Harry Potter
C S Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia
E B White: Charlotte's Web
Frances Hodgson Burnett: The Secret Garden
Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson and the Olympian Series
A. A. Milne:  Winnie the Pooh

Hurricane season doesn't end until November 30, so, as much as I hate to consider this, it's far from over.

The list above is a drop in the bucket of what I would recommend. What about you? Please add your recommendations in the comments but do not plug your own books. This isn't about marketing yourself.


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