Sharing the Love of Reading

I love it when I can share my joy of reading and writing with others, especially children. A few weeks ago, an email in my inbox advertised the 60th anniversary of a book I remember from my childhood. Although I heard the story over and over again, I never once saw or owned the book. We had an LP with three stories on it, and the story depicted on the album cover, The Carrot Seed, was the one in the ad.

I quickly clicked through to see what it cost, already knowing I had to purchase it. I bought four copies: one for my newest grandchild, one for my two-year-old grandchild, one for my two-year-old great niece, and, of course, one for me.

Easter seemed the perfect time to give these books to them. I'm sure the book came out with a 60th anniversary version due to the carrot tie-in to the holiday.

We spent the weekend with Reagan, my two-year-old granddaughter. I gave her the book, and she promptly sat in my lap and let me read it to her. When we finished, my daughter-in-law said, "Congratulations for being the first person to be allowed to read a book all the way through with Reagan." Success!

Reagan asked me and her granddad and her dad to read the story over and over to her. After a while, she could tell you what each page said (more or less). Yesterday, I received a picture of her reading the book again.

Over the years, I've shared several best-loved stories with my children, and then my grandchildren. Some of my favorites have been Charlotte's Web, The Boxcar Children, The Secret Garden, The 
Goblins and the Princess, Harry Potter, The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and Stuart Little. It's one of the greatest joys of a book lover, especially when the child loves the story as much as you do.

What special books have helped you share your love of reading with the children in your life?

Special note:  This Saturday, April 27 is Support Your Independent Bookstore Day. If you love books, this is a perfect time to share your love of reading!


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