I Don't Do Resolutions, But...

Happy New Year.

As many of you know, I started an author interview series that ran the last months of 2019. I have a few interviews left to post, but I'm going to intersperse them in between other writing-related posts.  Please come back next week to read the interview with Goffinet McLaren.

I let the blog lay dormant the last weeks of 2019 because I believe that time with family should be devoted to family. From the day the grandchildren got out of school for their Christmas Break until yesterday, our lives were a whirl of family gatherings. Many years ago, one of my favorite authors shared a valuable tip that I've never forgotten: 

I took this advice over the break and did not even think about a blog post...well, not very much anyway. There's always those few moments before sleep or when waking up.

I'm not much of one for making resolutions at the beginning of the year, but last November, I did decide to block out specific days each month to focus mainly on my writing. When you're self-employed and work out of an at-home office, it's easy to let the schedule get away with you. So, I guess you can say I did make a resolution.

What about you? What are your plans to focus on your writing (or whatever your area of interest may be) this year?


Kasie Whitener said…
I'm resolving to write more. To edit more. In general, to work more at the writing profession. Hope to see more work from our community in 2020. Cheers! -- KW
All good options, Kasie! Looking forward to seeing what we (SCWA as a whole) produce this year.

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