Upcoming Book Release!

Exciting news! While getting over the crud, I decided to compile my short stories into a collection for publication. I have lots of short stories that I've written over the last twenty years. Some have been published in anthologies, but not all. After exploring the options, I decided to create two different collections. The first one will be out soon. It's called Pieces of Her and will explore the plight of women.  

Here's my blurb:

Being a woman is not for the faint of heart!

In this short story collection, Barbara V. Evers takes you on an exploration of the varying hearts and lives of women. You will find many similarities in their lives, and yet each is unique in her choices and dreams. Experience the age-old struggle between mothers and daughters, a sister's efforts to save her sister from a huge mistake and the consequences of trying, the pursuit of love in wrong places, and the heartache of loves that fail to provide the joy anticipated. In each story, you might find a little bit of truth for yourself.

For those of you accustomed to reading my fantasy works, these stories fall more into women's fiction, but there are two stories with a supernatural twist. "Cedar Revenge" occurs during Christmas and has a weird nature vibe to it. It's subtle, but it's there. The last story in the collection, "The Magic of the Mountain," is difficult to categorize, but I place it in magical realism. Some might call it a ghost story. It's not, but I can see where people might think of it that way.

The second collection will come later--maybe after the first of the year--and it will be full of fantasy, dystopian, and weird stories. So never fear, my fantasy readers, there will be more!

Meanwhile,  Pieces of Her offers a glimpse into my fiction writing with several award-winning stories as well as a Pushcart Prize nominee from 2016. Watch and follow my Facebook page for book launch details.

PS If you subscribe to my newsletter, you get to see the cover before anyone else. You can subscribe here:  Sign up for the newsletter!


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